Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"The Case of the Mysterious Easter Eggs"

Blogging Friends.... With every fictional children's story I write usually envision it weeks, if not months, in advance. That being mentioned. As someone who lives with premature short-term memory loss, I always, always, always make messy, unorganized notes on a Word document file. I just do not want to forget anything!! Then, come the scheduled day of when I begin writing my story, I always sort through these notes {Often organizing them a bit!!} and crossing my notes out as I go. But with this story? I abandoned my notes!! Because apparently I did not need them!! My trusty creative Brain Juices simply guided the way!!
  I am a writer, an artist who paints pictures with words. I pour my heart and soul into every fictional story I create. I live for your sweet, encouraging comments, so please, please, please keep them coming!! I appreciate it.

For my dear Blogging Friends who have children. You may print this story off and read it to them!! I am alright with that!! Enjoy!!

"The Case of the Mysterious Easter Eggs"

Hope was not like other Beagles. Sure, she had big light brown floppy ears. A white stripe down her face. Big round milk chocolate-brown eyes. Four short legs. But while most Beagles use their black noses and curious adventurous minds to find trouble, one Spring afternoon, Hope sniffed out something that had an even greater importance.

It was a warm sunny April day. Outside, there were clear blue skies with no fluffy white clouds in sight. Cheery pink, yellow, red, orange, and purple tulips filled people's flower gardens. Hope, as usual, happily explored the backyard. Her neck was bent, white-tipped tail wagging, and black nose buried deep in green grass. Then Hope found something. It was not a furry floppy-eared bunny or downy chick. No, the hunting dog in Hope didn't want to eat what she had just found. Pure almost childlike excitement rushed through her.

Hope then let out some deep-throated barks that only a hound dog can make.

Arooo!! Arooo!! Arooo!! Arooo!! Arooo!!

"Whoa!!" Hope exclaimed, "What is that?"

Hope's barking instantly woke up Emanuel and caught his attention. He had been napping. Emanuel is a light tan, black-nosed, curly-haired, floppy-eared Cocker Spaniel-Poodle mix. He lives with Hope. Now Emanuel is very good at treasure hunts. When he's awake, his black nose will instantly find anything!! From dropped food. To people's littered garbage. Anything!!

"What is it, Hope?" Emanuel eagerly asked, "Where are you? What have you found? I want it, I want it, I want it!!"

"I am over here!!" called Hope, "In the flower garden!!"

"What?!" yelled Emanuel, "The flower garden?! You aren't supposed to be in there!! Not without me!!"

Emanuel then ran toward the off-limits flower garden, as fast as his short legs could take him, to join Hope. Shamelessly.
Whatever it was that Hope's nose found did not move or try to run away. This only made both of them even more curious!! Hope then bit into the mystery object. It tasted like plastic!! She set the mystery object down on some brown mud. It was a blood red-colored hollow plastic Easter egg!! Hope bit into the treasure. She cracked it open. Inside was a tiny leather whip.

"What is that?" asked Emanuel.

"It looks like a small whip!!" said Hope, "But.... Why?"

Both Hope and Emanuel stood by their treasure for several minutes. They were speechless.

Then, while still in the flower garden, Emanuel saw a second blood red-colored hollow plastic Easter egg!! Pure almost childlike excitement rushed through him. Emanuel then let out some barks that were very Cocker Spaniel-like.

Arf!! Arf!! Arf!! Arf!! Arf!!

"I found another one!!" shout Emanuel, "I found another one!! But it is stuck!! Somebody must have 'planted' this egg along with the tulip bulbs!! Help!!"

Together Hope and Emanuel dug through layers of muddy dirt--meanwhile uprooting some purple tulips--until they could pull out their treasure. Emanuel bit into the egg. He cracked it open. Inside was four nails.

"I do not understand," said Emanuel, "Why would anyone hide four nails in an egg? Then 'plant' it with the tulips?"

"I do not know," answered Hope, "But let's look at what we have found. One small whip. And four nails. They must be symbolic, or mean something, but I cannot figure it out!!"

Then, while still in the flower garden, Hope found a third blood red-colored hollow plastic Easter egg!! Pure almost childlike excitement rushed through her. Hope let out some happy high-pitched bays, or cries, that only a Beagle can make.

"It is another one!!" squealed Hope, "It is another one!! I cannot wait to see what's inside!! I wonder....?"

Hope bit into the egg. She cracked it open. Inside was a tiny crown of thorns.

"Hey!!" exclaimed Hope, "That looks like a circle-shaped rose stem!! Only much more thorny!!"

"Huh," said Emanuel, "A small crown of thorns? In an egg? This is so weird!!"

"I know!!" said Hope.

Then, while still in the flower garden, Emanuel found a fourth blood red-colored hollow plastic Easter egg!! Pure almost childlike excitement rushed through him. Emanuel then let out some more barks that were very Cocker Spaniel-like.

Arf!! Arf!! Arf!! Arf!! Arf!!

"I have another one!!" yelled Emanuel, "I have another one!! What is this, egg number four?!"

Emanuel bit into their treasure. He cracked it open. Inside were three tiny crosses.

"What?!" exclaimed Emanuel, "Three small crosses?! "What-?"

Suddenly, something clicked inside Hope's round head. She had solved the mystery of these Easter eggs!!

"Emanuel!!" said Hope, "I have figured it out!! I understand the symbolism, or meaning, of our treasures!!"

"You do?!" said Emanuel, "What is it? Because the case of the mysterious Easter eggs is driving me crazy!! And I am already crazy!!"

"Me too," said Hope, "See. Our eggs symbolize that Jesus died and was resurrected, or came back to life, from the dead!! That is why they are blood red!!"

"Oh, I understand!!" exclaimed Emanuel, "There is a small whip because Jesus' body was hit with one."

"Yes!!" said Hope, "And there is four nails because Jesus was hammered to the cross."

"Yeah!!" said Emanuel, "And there is a crown of thorns because Jesus wore one on His Head."

"And last but never, ever, ever least?" finished Hope, "There are three crosses--"

Then, as though he had read Hope's mind, Emanuel interrupted with the answer.

"To symbolize the Crosses of Calvary!!" he announced.

Feeling quite pleased with themselves, they then walked out of the off-limits flower garden, leaving its uprooted purple tulips, and their treasures, behind.