Monday, August 26, 2024

National Dog Day

Backstory. On June 15th, 2020, my second dog, {my Beagle/German Shepherd mix}, Rose Elizabeth, was euthanized after suffering from arthritis, kidney failure, and canine degenerative myelopathy. On June 1st, 2021, we relocated from the, {rainy and beautiful}, Pacific Northwest to, {hot humid, yet still beautiful}, Central Texas. With moving being an incredibly HUGE Life change for a new dog, I wisely decided to wait until we settled into the Lone Star State before my new canine's arrival. Long story short.... We were having a brand-new house built, so my family and I resided in an apartment during its construction. This was ONLY going to take three months. Or so we thought. Several complications later, and three months turned into nearly eight. So, I waited, waited, and waited to get my third dog. I needed to have patience. There were some heartbreaking and soul bleeding events that happened in the middle, but I will not go into details. On May 14th, 2022, I adopted/rescued my third mutt!! I named her Essie, {it means star}, Everglades, {that was her shelter name. Bonus.... All of my dogs, dead and alive, have a nature name.... Everglades is a wetlands in Florida}, Patience!! Essie Everglades Patience!! But the shelter's vet had been bit by a poisonous spider, and he needed to recover from that before spaying my adult dog. I could not take Essie home until post operation. This took two and a half weeks. Yes, I needed to have a lot of patience. On June 1st, 2022, {nearly two years after Rose died}, I FINALLY brought Essie HOME!! She was absolutely worth the wait!! Happy National Dog Day, y'all!! Mary Lou

We did a dog D.N.A. test on Essie!! I was BLOWN AWAY by its results!! I composed this poem after receiving them!!

{My ‘love poem’ to Essie Everglades Patience}

Written by Mary Lou

Mama loves your Siberian Husky tail;

It curls like a hook as you blaze Life’s ‘trails’;

Mama loves your Australian Cattle Dog black claws;

They are the darkest nails that I ever saw;

Mama loves your brown soulful German Shepherd eyes;

They watch hawks/birds of prey soaring in big blue skies;

Mama loves your Great Pyrenees white stomach fur;

You are obsessed with belly rubs, that’s for sure;

Mama loves your Alaskan Malamute tail;

I liked it immediately without fail;

Mama loves your Samoyed black-colored paw pads;

They are the darkest feet any of my mutts had;

Mama loves your Chow Chow blue/black-colored tongue mark;

I can only see it when you yawn or bark;

Mama loves your blocky Pit Bull Terrier head;

You were a precious surprise and randomly bred;

Mama loves your Wolf tail end’s black fur marking;

It looks like a bushy paint brush, my sweet darling;

Mama loves your Anatolian Shepherd legs; 

They run fast when there is cheese for you to you beg;

Mama loves your soft Australian Shepherd ‘butt fur’;

Also obviously known as tail feathers;

Mama loves your tough unique Rottweiler body;

It is quite muscular in the chest cavity;

Mama Loves your Siberian Husky ears;

They comprehend words that I say, things you hear;

Mama loves your Australian Cattle Dog whiskers;

They are black, stand out against fur that’s red-colored;

Mama loves your distinctive German Shepherd butt;

You are my sweet mongrel/Heinz 57/mutt!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

National Mutt Day

Is there anybody ALIVE out there?! -- Bruce Springsteen

I dedicate this poem to my mutts, {dead and alive}, Shadow Sunshine, Rose Elizabeth, Essie Everglades Patience, and Charlie Lone-Star. Happy National Mutt Day, y'all!! Mary Lou

‘National Mutt Day’

Written by Mary Lou

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course my dogs have always been mixed breeds;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course mongrels are all that my heart needs;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course my favorite Disney dog is Tramp;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I am in the rescued strays camp;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I love National Mixed Breed Day;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course most mixed breeds in shelters are strays;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I think doodles/poos are mixed breeds;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I do, because they are indeed;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I have six mixed breed reference books;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I love how unique mixed breeds look;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I have one kid’s book about Zak; *

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I love Mystery Dogs like Zak;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I have plush mixed breeds in my room;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I’ll get more, I presume;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I have mixed breed dog magnets;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I’ll get more, I know it;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course you do not need a pedigree;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course mixed breed dogs can still be buddies;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I, {heart}, my mutts, {dead and alive};

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course sans mixed breeds I could not survive;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I have decorative mixed breed signs;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I’ll get more, from Online;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course rescued, {mutt}, is my favorite breed;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course with rescued adults I succeed;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course, {I}, love the mutt, {I’m}, with, I do;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course mixed breeds are my Life, it is true;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I have one Mutt Mom baseball hat;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course I do identify as that;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course German Shepherd mixes are sweet;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course your purebred dog can’t compete;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course with mixed breed dogs I am obsessed;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course mixed breed dogs are better, the best;

I’m a Mutt Mom…. Of course mixed breeds are All-American.

*Zak: The One-of-a-Kind Dog by Jane Lidz

Saturday, January 1, 2022

“Through Difficulties, We Find Ourselves”

Seeking, choosing and finding gratitude. That was one of my 2021 New Year’s Resolutions. Were there times when seeking, choosing and finding gratitude felt difficult? Yes. Were there times when I broke that New Year’s Resolution? Yes. Were there times when seeking, choosing and finding gratitude became like ‘ammunition’ against big feelings pertaining to my learning challenges? Yes. Right now, uttering ‘I’m smart’ or ‘I’m brilliant’ feels like words that Fonzie from Happy Days cannot say. I am finally slowly, but surely, working on believing this truth. Why is saying ‘I’m stupid’ and ‘I’m dumb’ so much easier? You know what? Henry Winkler is one wise man, because gratitude truly doesn’t allow you to be angry on the journey!! Peace and Love, Mary Lou

P.S. This is my THIRD Henry Winkler poem!! Yeah, he’s a keeper!!

Note…. Happy 2022!! I feel optimistic about this new year, because in a month or so, {Lord willing}, I’ll have some exciting news to share with y’all!! Cheers!!

“Through Difficulties, We Find Ourselves”

Edited by Kara Kent!!

He lives, lives by tenacity and gratitude;

This, this is his motivational attitude;

He says gratitude doesn’t let you be angry;

During this adventure called Life, on the journey;

My brain sucks, it, it can be very frustrating;

This, this is obviously anger-creating;

I feel ‘old’, I have short-term memory loss;

Oh, it makes me angry that I bear this cross;

I can’t recall…. I forget everything;

Yes, it can make me angry, be embarrassing;

I’m ‘stupid’ and ‘dumb’, this is just how I feel;

But I will remember his mission revealed;

Do I have greatness within me, gifts, ambition?

For ‘kids’ such as I, his Life-changing mission;

I will dig my gifts out, give them to the world;

I know I have talents, am I a smart girl?

I learn with both my left and right hands, by doing;

But am I brilliant in what I’m pursuing?

My challenges make me very unique, special;

Can I believe his mission, that I’m powerful?

I, I can’t say it, ‘cause this challenge makes me cringe;

I will be grateful…. For my learning challenge;

On this self-acceptance journey, deep down I delve;

Because through difficulties, we find ourselves;

He lives, lives by tenacity and gratitude;

This, this is his motivational attitude;

He says gratitude doesn’t let you be angry;

During this adventure called Life, on the journey.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

“Fearfully, Wonderfully Made”

Replace a negative thought with a positive thought. This feels like an internal emotional battle whenever I’m sick, which I currently am. As I complained aloud that my throat was throbbing, I tried to say…. ‘I’m grateful that I don’t have a headache!!’ As I lost my voice, {for three plus days}, as resulted to the throbbing throat, I tried to whisper…. ‘Good thing my youngest brother, {who has Down syndrome}, can read my mind, and we know a little bit of sign language!!’ As I suffered from an ear infection, {which is currently plugged up}, and I have complained aloud of being partly deaf, I’ve tried to say…. ‘I’m grateful that it’s not my good ear…. I could be completely deaf!!’ Replace a negative thought with a positive thought. Just give it time. That is what Fonzie from Happy Days once said. Just give it time. I will be healthy someday. Peace and Love, Mary Lou

Note…. Speaking of Henry Winkler, {well, he did play Fonzie}, is Henry Winkler a keeper when the author/actor/producer/director got not one, but THREE deeply personal poems out of me? Whoa!! Now, that is a broken record right there!! I’ve NEVER composed more than TWO poems inspired by a celebrity who I love!! Yeah, I would say that Henry Winkler is a keeper!! Especially…. Especially because he is helping me through my Lifelong self-acceptance journey as a learning challenged individual!! More to come….

P.S. This untitled poem reflects on a ‘lesson’ that I have learned by memorizing one-hundred Henry Winkler quotations!!

Edited by Kara Kent!!

Replace negative thoughts with positive;

This, this is advice that he freely gives;

I’m ‘dumb’, I have short-term memory loss;

I, I bear this emotional cross;

Replace negative thoughts with positive;

This, this is advice that he freely gives;

No, no, I am Beautifully Unique;

I should really stop, stop this self-critique;

I’m ‘stupid’, I have a learning challenge;

My brain sucks, it totally makes me cringe;

Replace negative thoughts with positive;

This, this is advice that he freely gives;

I must always remember his mission;

I have greatness in me, gifts, ambition;

I can…. Dig my gifts out, give the world;

I have talents, I am a smart girl;

Although I learn with both hands, by doing;

I’m brilliant in what I’m pursuing;

I, I am very, very powerful;

My challenges make me unique, special;

I am not normal…. I can’t fix my brain;

Such a huge pill to swallow, it’s insane;

Replace negative thoughts with positive;

This, this is advice that he freely gives;

I have tenacity, it’s my birthright;

I was born a ‘soldier’, ready to fight;

My challenges can be embarrassing;

Like when I…. I cannot remember things;

Replace negative thoughts with positive;

This, this is advice that he freely gives;

I’m fearfully, wonderfully made;

And I’m developmentally delayed;

You know what, sometimes, I, I hate my brain;

For reasons that I cannot explain;

I want the smart brain of an elephant;

They don’t forget a thing, seem brilliant;

Replace negative thoughts with positive;

This, this is advice that he freely gives.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

“We Are All The Same”

I have always been drawn to things that are difficult, if not impossible, for me. -- Henry Winkler

What is ‘difficult, if not impossible for me’? This was a question that I literally woke up with very early in the morning ten months ago on Sunday, January 31st. Writing, {for the most part}, comes easy for me. Writing is my gift, my ability, and the greatness inside me. It’s my calling. Writing is the only thing that I, a learning challenged individual, can do, and do well. I discovered something about myself this year…. I cannot spell. So writing is definitely a God-given gift!! How else can it be explained?! So what, exactly, comes ‘difficult, if not impossible, for me’? The answer, without a doubt, is memorization. When I was growing up, as young as four years old, I had to learn Bible verses by heart for church. It was ‘difficult, if not impossible for me’ then, {because I suffer from Lifelong short-term memory loss issues}, it is ‘difficult, if not impossible for me’ today at age thirty-seven. So, why don’t I memorize Henry Winkler quotes? It was just something that I was going to try. I would memorize maybe one or five Henry Winkler quotes, and then I’d be finished. Less than ten months later, {on Wednesday, October 6th}, I memorized one-hundred Henry Winkler quotes, plus eleven Fonzie lines!! Whoa. And, somewhere along the way, from one learning challenged individual, {Henry Winkler has dyslexia}, to another learning challenged individual, {me}, Henry Winkler began profoundly helping me through my self-acceptance journey all thanks to a message that he repeatedly gives children who struggle with learning challenges…. ‘You have greatness inside you’…. ‘You are powerful’…. ‘How you learn has nothing to do with how brilliant you are’. Thanks, Henry Winkler. This learning challenged adult is listening. Now I just need to believe in Henry Winkler’s words, that ‘I’m a smart girl’ after two decades of telling myself I am ‘stupid’ and ‘dumb’. I will try…. Peace and Love, Mary Lou

Note…. Every single celebrity guy who I love gets a poem out of me that I’ve composed. I have been keeping up this tradition for several years now!! Bruce Springsteen got two songs out of me. What am I, NUTSO?! I’m not a songwriter!! Henry Winkler’s poem is the most personal one that I have ever composed. I think. I guess that is what happens when I compose a poem pertaining to my learning challenge, and my Lifelong self-acceptance journey….

“We Are All The Same”

Edited by Kara Kent!!

‘I will try, I will try, I will try’;

This is his mantra, I can live by;

I will give it, give it my best shot;

Even when self-doubt says I cannot;

I will memorize his quotations;

Despite some anger and frustration;

I will embrace my learning challenge;

Though being different hurts, makes me cringe;

Memorizing takes tenacity;

I can do this, I have it in me;

I am so thankful for his mission;

That I’ve greatness in me, ambition;

I will dig it out, give the world;

I have talents, I’m a smart girl;

I will believe I am powerful;

That my challenges make me special;

I will learn with both hands, by doing;

And no matter what I’m pursuing;

I will believe I am brilliant;

My brain sucks, but I’m resilient;

‘I will try, I will try, I will try’;

This is his mantra, I can live by.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Texas Is Calling And I Must Go

I promise you this: the anticipatory fear that is coursing through your body as you sit there, wondering about this new journey you are about to take tomorrow, or in the middle of the Summer, or next September, is worse than the exciting journey you’re about to go on. -- Henry Winkler

2021. I officially declare this a year of GROWTH for me!! Yes, that very much describes it in more ways than one. After 37 years of my ENTIRE Life residing in the Pacific Northwest, a little over one month ago, on June 1st, my family and I relocated to Texas!! I’m not going to disclose WHERE, exactly, in The Lone Star state I call home. Texas is obviously BIG, you know? In the year, months, weeks, and days leading up to our Life-changing move, this above Henry Winkler quote, {which is taken from part of a speech for graduates}, SPOKE to my heart and soul!! All of a sudden, I would recite this quote, {I have it memorized}, and, of course, I would give EVERYTHING to God!! Change is HARD, while simultaneously, it’s an ‘exciting journey’. Peace and Love, y’all, Mary Lou

P.S. Relocating from the Pacific Northwest to Texas is just ONE reason why I disappeared for FIVE months. More to come….

‘Texas is calling and I must go’;

Babe…. This, this is my phrase, my motto;

Will I sense you in the Lone Star State….

Amongst new memories I create?

Rose, will you still send me God Winks, signs….

Straight from The Rainbow Bridge so divine?

Will I see God Winks in butterflies?

What about a red-colored sunrise?

Will I sense you in the Lone Star State….

Amongst new memories I create?

Rose, will you still send me God Winks, signs….

Straight from The Rainbow Bridge so divine?

Will I see God Winks in nature’s wind?

What about trees tall and disciplined?

Will I sense you in the Lone Star State….

Amongst new memories I create?

Rose, will you still send me God Winks, signs….

Straight from The Rainbow Bridge so divine?

Will I see God Winks in Bluebonnets?

What about skies that are starlit?

Will I sense you in the Lone Star State….

Amongst new memories I create?

Rose, will you still send me God Winks, signs….

Straight from The Rainbow Bridge so divine?

Will I see God Winks in calm deer?

What about those snakes, your fear?

Will I sense you in the Lone Star State….

Amongst new memories I create?

Rose, will you still send me God Winks, signs….

Straight from The Rainbow Bridge so divine?

Will I see God Winks in Cardinals?

Yes!! ‘Cause you are in my heart, my soul!!

‘Texas is calling and I must go’;

Babe…. This, this is my phrase, my motto.